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Vera Anderson
Hi, my name is Vera Anderson. I'm 22 yrs old, a junior this coming fall semester, majoring in Strategic Communication and favorite season is Winter. Favorite films are Spirit, Black Beauty, War Horse, Lady & the Tramp, &Sound of Music. Favorite artists are Backstreet Boys, Selena, Avril Lavigne, Evenessense & Jessie McCartney. It's lovely meeting you all!

Blog 9: Downfall of Donald Trump

Thanks to freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and not having a sedition act, political cartoonists can make their points about President Trump’s catastrophic mishandling of Covid 19. Trump has been in an alternate universe about the virus, claiming he has done a “wonderful job“ to control it; that it is well “under control”, and that it should “soon disappear.” Since all three claims are false, cartoonists are revealing the truth. My favorite has a MAGA couple at a morgue. Several drawers, with toe-tagged bodies have been pulled out. Naming two of Trump’s favorite targets, the man says to the woman: “Gotta hand it to the media and deep state—this is the most convincing hoax I’ve ever seen.” “Hoax” is also a favorite Trump word, which is ironic since Trump has lied publicly almost 20,000 times as President, according to the “Washington Post”.

Another cartoon criticizes Trump’s failed covid rhetoric by showing a man who believed Trump that the virus is over, and followed Trump’s advice to resume normal activities, now being confronted by the virus. Surprised, the man says, “You’re back?”

Finally, the third cartoon I’ve chosen, shows Coronavirus balls rolling downhill. The caption: “Trump Landslide 2020.” These cartoons are funny and reveal the truth despite lies coming from the seat of power.  Obviously there’s nothing funny about a virus that has killed more than 130,000 Americans so far, and that’s the point.  The President should be fighting the virus, not fighting the truth. Freedom of the press, and freedom of speech combine with the watchdog power of the press to unmask governmental lies, and reveal truth.

