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The Real Me

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Vera Anderson
Hi, my name is Vera Anderson. I'm 22 yrs old, a junior this coming fall semester, majoring in Strategic Communication and favorite season is Winter. Favorite films are Spirit, Black Beauty, War Horse, Lady & the Tramp, &Sound of Music. Favorite artists are Backstreet Boys, Selena, Avril Lavigne, Evenessense & Jessie McCartney. It's lovely meeting you all!

Blog 6-EOTO 1: Virtual Reality

Imagine your perfect vacation, whether it’s in America, or an exotic spot around the world. Now you can be there, without taking a step. By putting on your virtual reality gear, you are able to experience your destination while sitting on your couch and sipping coffee or a glass of wine. 

The idea of Virtual Reality goes way back to the 1800s. In 1883, the first stereoscope combined two photographs of the same object from slightly different angles giving the image more depth. 

Virtual Reality offers entertainment and education. VR headgear creates an immersive 3D environment. Every Virtual Reality headset has one or two screens in front of your eyes. This replaces the real world. 

There are two autofocus lenses generally placed between the screen and the eyes that adjust based on the individual's eye movement and positioning of the body. The visuals on the screen are transmitted through either a mobile phone or HDMI cable connected to a PC.

The Virtual Reality invention has several important components that make it a success and entertaining. This includes the impact of sound. Sound is very important for this to feel realistic. Syncing the sound effects with the visuals, results in an experience out of this world! 

The headphones amplify the 3D sound which adds to the feeling of actually being there. In addition, our eyes help with the head tracking customization of the program. There are laser pointers, led lights or mobile sensors that help make this technology realistic. Smartphone users can link their devices to their Virtual Reality gear to detect three-dimensional movement.

Major manufacturers include, Google, and Oculus, a Facebook subsidiary. Sales started taking off at the turn of the century and now almost 200 million people have VR headsets around the world. The cost of Virtual Reality Gear goes from $499 to more than a million for especially customized headset. 

This is particularly useful during the pandemic when it is not safe to travel and many people are self-quarantined in their homes. Now they can “travel” thousands of miles without spending thousands of dollars or experiencing jet lag. So, go ahead... take a trip, without taking a trip.



